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Breast Reconstruction Specialist - Scranton, PA

Any type of breast surgery is a highly personal choice. Whether your needs are reconstructive or cosmetic, you deserve the most experienced, professional plastic surgeon available to perform your procedure.

Since 1999, Dr. Scot McKenna has been performing cutting-edge breast surgeries as part of his solo practice. He is experienced in breast reconstruction as well as a variety of other procedures, including:

If you’re ready to look and feel incredible in your skin, schedule your appointment with Dr. McKenna today.

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FAQs on Breast Reconstruction: 

What is breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction is a surgical procedure designed to restore one or both breasts to a more standard shape, appearance, symmetry, or size following a breast cancer mastectomy, lumpectomy, or other trauma. Breast reconstruction often involves several procedures performed in stages, and can either begin at the time of your mastectomy or be delayed until a later date.

What types of breast reconstruction are there?

Breast reconstruction generally falls into two categories: implant-based reconstruction or flap reconstruction. Implant reconstruction relies on breast implants to help form a new breast mound, while flap reconstruction uses the patient's own tissue from another part of the body to form a new breast. There are a number of factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing which option is best, including:

  • The type of mastectomy you’ve already received
  • Cancer treatments you may still be undergoing
  • Your individual body type

What type of breast implants are there? 

There are a number of different options for implants that may be used during your breast reconstruction:

  • Saline implants, which are filled with varying amounts of sterile salt water to affect the shape and feel of your breast. Saline implants are a safe option which will be absorbed naturally and expelled by your body should they ever leak. 
  • Silicone implants are filled with an elastic gel which feels a great deal like natural breast tissue. However, these implants will need regular monitoring by your plastic surgeon, as the gel may not collapse and can pose risks to your health should they ever leak

You also have several options regarding the shape of your implants, including:

  • Form stable implants, which mimic the natural shape of the breast and are shaped like a teardrop. They are thicker at the bottom and tapered towards the top.They are usually filled with a cohesive gel. 
  • Round implants, which have a tendency to make reconstructed breasts appear fuller than form stable implants. They also often will make the breast project out further away from the body. 

Breast implants come in a variety of textures as well:

  • Textured breast implants allow the scar tissue to stick to the implant, making them less likely to move around inside of the breast and get repositioned.
  • Smooth breast implants move around freely inside of the breast, which may give more natural movement. These implants also have an increased risk of rippling.

Every patient is an individual, and Dr. McKenna is committed to discussing every option with you to make sure you receive the best breast reconstruction to meet your needs and goals.

What can I expect after my breast reconstruction surgery?

Following your surgery, gauze or bandages will be applied to your incisions. An elastic bandage or support bra will minimize swelling and support the reconstructed breast. A small, thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid. A pain pump may also be used to reduce the need for narcotics. 

Dr. McKenna will give you specific instructions, including how to care for your surgical site and which medications you’ll need to aid healing, reduce your risk of infection, and manage any pain.